Illegal immigrants are good for the US economy

Gordon Hanson is causing quite a stir with his study for the Council on Foreign Relations entitled “The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration”. (Press release, WSJ op-ed, abstract, paper.) Economically speaking, he concludes, there’s really very little reason to believe that legal immigration is preferable to illegal immigration — and illegal immigration has a small but positive net economic effect.

To the extent that the US spends a lot of money keeping illegal immigrants out of the country, that’s likely to damage the economy as a whole. Much better to deal with security concerns in other ways, such as licensing global temp agencies who could fill US jobs with employees from anywhere.

Clearly, the present system of temporary work visas isn’t, well, working — this year’s quota of H-1Bs, for highly-skilled immigrants, “sold out” in a matter of hours. What’s more, the number of visas is necessarily larger than the number of legal immigrants, since many legal immigrants end up with three or more temporary visas while working here. Much smarter, says Hanson, to let legal immigrants switch jobs much more easily, and also to give them a path to citizenship.

Of course, the chances of anybody in Congress taking up Hanson’s cry are slim to nonexistent — but with any luck his paper can help move the debate in the right direction.


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56 Responses to Illegal immigrants are good for the US economy

  1. PrestoPundit says:

    Illegal aliens are net tax consumers — by many tens of thousands.

    In California illegals fill the jails — they make up more than 1/3 of the jail population in LA county.

    The massive ignorance of most economists writing on the topic of the illegal aliens is massive and embarrassing for the profession of economics.

    The high school graduation rate in Los Angeles is around 40%. The illegitimacy rate is over 50%. These are not the social statistics of a healthy nation.

  2. I agree that the US should essentially open its borders to immigrants and spend the money we’re using now on the Border Patrol and so forth in other areas. A couple of items that may be of interest include a recent which asserts that “Mexican women now average 2.2 births — only slightly above the average 2.1 births that occur in the United States and that are considered the “replacement rate”…the implication being that the supply of Mexican citizens is going to shrink significantly and therefore illegal immigration will be less of an issue.

  3. MeXiCaN MaMii says:

    Wiithout immigrants america would not be america! right now peopple run there mouth talkin bout we stiill their jobs but tha truth iis immigrants are doiing the jobs americans are to dam lazy ta do! so all ii gotta say iis iif we are stealiin ur jobs than you klean ur own dam bathroom, buiild ur own houses and mow ur own dam lawns! than lets see iif you really want them gone! iit takes more than a dam briidge built over the border ta stop us! who you thiink gunna buiild iit n e ways! thas riite a MEXICAN!

  4. MeXiCaN MaMii says:

    Wiithout immigrants america would not be america! right now peopple run there mouth talkin bout we stiill their jobs but tha truth iis immigrants are doiing the jobs americans are to dam lazy ta do! so all ii gotta say iis iif we are stealiin ur jobs than you klean ur own dam bathroom, buiild ur own houses and mow ur own dam lawns! than lets see iif you really want them gone! iit takes more than a dam briidge built over the border ta stop us! who you thiink gunna buiild iit n e ways! thas riite a MEXICAN!

  5. Chris says:

    I dont understand why a bunch of uneducated illiterate people(aliens) are trying to discuss politics on this site. Half of you can’t even spell (including you Scott Peterson an uneducated American) whose education tax funds are obvisouly being spent on illegal immigrants. This is what is really going on… Most illegal immigrants do not pay taxes therefore more tax money is being spent than what is actually being put into our tax funds. Unfortunately the major problem is not just about illegal immigrants it’s about our President and his stupid war. There is an issue to discuss. I don’t have a problem with diversity but the thing is that the American people are losing out on benefits that they pay for. It’s a lot like giving to an organization that does not give back. Let’s say that you give money to your insurance agency but when you got in a wreck they did not give any money to you for your car or your medical bills. Americans pay taxes, Illegal immigrants cannot because they will get caught by the government and deported. However illegal immigrants can recieve tax benefits from the government without paying taxes. End result; people who play by the rules lose. My best advice to illegal immigrants is to over throw your government and make your economy better on your own instead of screwing up ours.

  6. Chris says:

    I don’t understand why a bunch of uneducated illiterate people(aliens) are trying to discuss politics on this site. Half of you can’t even spell (including you Scott Peterson an uneducated American) whose education tax funds are obvisouly being spent on illegal immigrants. This is what is really going on… Most illegal immigrants do not pay taxes therefore more tax money is being spent than what is actually being put into our tax funds. Unfortunately the major problem is not just about illegal immigrants it’s about our President and his stupid war. There is an issue to discuss. I don’t have a problem with diversity but the thing is that the American people are losing out on benefits that they pay for. It’s a lot like giving to an organization that does not give back. Let’s say that you give money to your insurance agency but when you got in a wreck they did not give any money to you for your car or your medical bills. Americans pay taxes, Illegal immigrants cannot because they will get caught by the government and deported. However illegal immigrants can recieve tax benefits from the government without paying taxes. End result; people who play by the rules lose. My best advice to illegal immigrants is to over throw your government and make your economy better on your own instead of screwing up ours.

  7. Emma says:

    I agree with Scott. Most Americans won’t we think about cleaning a toilet for more than $50. Immigrants will gladly do it for $5. They aren’t stealing our jobs if no one wats to do them. And it isn’t always fair for them either. If they want a job and so does an American, guess you will more likely to get the job: the American! Put yourslef in their shoes. How would you feel?

  8. Mr Wolf 666 says:

    Americans are arrogant and racists. Arrogant racists (even if collage educated)are fools. Examples: Japan, Germany and Italy of WW2 who destroy themselves. America is losing to global markets in every way. Farming (which is still a strong industry employees about 3 million illegals. It also creates about 12 million up side and down side jobs in America. These up side jobs are held by “good white Americans”. Thats 240,ooo jobs that each of the 50 states will lose. This racist card you “good white people” are playing is a “LOSER” card. As a racist nation (protecting your good white ways) we will witness what history has already shown (you are educated…right?). The destruction of a country by it’s own ignorants. You white people are slick talkers but in the end…you will repeat history. Educated? Not enough to keep yourselves from repeating history….what history you ask?

    The economic downfall of America. Question? Am I a racists or just talking history. It’s to late for America as a nation. You racists taken a stance and hardened your position as an ignorant core. The core has become hard and self destruction is the only outcome. No way you say? Thats what all racists said before they destroyed themselves.

    Am I wrong? Ask your “good white farmers”..oh yeah thats right…their supposed to raise their pay so you “good white folk” will work for them. The farmers just want cheap labor….of course!

  9. internet thug says:

    yo scram chill out and learn how to spell b4 u get bundled…internet thuggggggin

  10. Anonymous says:

    Uh, most Americans aren’t racist. With 20 million illegal immigrants in the country, we can’t allow even the legal ones to move in now cause there just isn’t enough room and finances for them all.

    Is it racist to prefer the legal immigrants to the illegal ones? No, because the legal immigrants show a respect for the law, so they are much more likely to obey it once they move here.

  11. Jill says:

    Why should we as a country be allowed to keep people out when we ourselves stole this land that we call “ours” from its rightful owners? (Including Mexicans!) Illegal immigrants bring in over $300 billion to our economy every year. Newsflash, they would pay taxes and everything if we would let them become citizens. The problem with this country is that everyone is so ignorant, no one sees what problems we are causing for other countries to make it so that they have to come here to try and make very small amounts of money that we would all stick our noses up to. The IMF and other organizations help make it so that messed up economies cannot get any better. Try to learn something and watch the movie “Life in Debt”. We don’t give these countries any other choice.. once they are in debt it’s nearly impossible to get out. So much for us being the great country we all want to be, why do you think other countries hate us now? We must be doing something wrong. I would advise that you all do research before you post stupid blogs with your opinions that are just a reiteration of what the media is telling you to think.

  12. StraightDs says:

    I have no problem with immigrants. America was founded on immigrants. It was NOT however, founded on ILLEGAL immigrants. While it may be true that we have a small net gain in tax revenue on the federal level from illegal immigrants who pay into SS and will never get anything back – there is a HUGE loss on the local and state level of taxes for illegals. That extra SS money the feds get is not going to miraculously end up in the hands of the County of Los Angeles or the County of San Diego where illegal immigrants create BILLIONS of dollars of tax deficit.

    Anyone who doesn’t think Illegals get free healthcare (emergency treatment) and who doesn’t think that illegals get food stamps and who doesn’t think that illegals get free schooling is obviously living in a dream world. They do NOT pay into the system as much as they take out except in one area – Social Security. Believe me, if the feds weren’t raking in so much coin on illegals to help prop the limping Social Security system, they would deport them all today.

    I just LOVE the argument that they do the jobs that others wont do. Well, guess what? Before there were so many illegal aliens who work for nothing those jobs were filled by students and unskilled americans – at MUCH HIGHER wages. All illegal immigration did is wipe out an entire viable source of income for Americans. Its true most wont work for peanuts now, but hell even I worked in the California fields in Almond and Peach orchards when I was young – along with high school kids and many others. Illegal Immigration has CAUSED the low wages, so dont even start with that argument.

  13. haben says:

    people come to america to live a better life my mother came here because of war and thank u america for accepting her but what abought the other mother and familys that are trying to come here america just dont understand the struggle immigrants go threw and i never accept them to ever understand

  14. haben says:

    people come to america to live a better life my mother came here because of war and thank u america for accepting her but what abought the other mother and familys that are trying to come here america just dont understand the struggle immigrants go threw and i never accept them to ever understand

  15. lula says:


    We don’t need you here, we don,t appreciate your bad and undeducated culture.Take your little babys with you and send them to school,educate them first to be better then you and later they can apply for a VISA to come here legal like other immigrants.Do not pay thousands of dollars to “JOSE” around the corner, for a fake ID, have enough guts to follow the legal process to be a legal citizen. And do not let your brain go to far, thinking AMERICANS are lazy, NO YOU LATINOS are CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!! Go home and we will be capable to take care of ourself without YOUR help. Personal I do not respect you for nothing. If you want a better life, you want to live here,than follow and respect THIS COUNTRY, and learn MY LANGUAGE because you are living in MY COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If not capable,then do not put me to understand you,or speak your language.

    DO YOU KNOW WHAT RESPECT IS?????????????? I don’t think so. Just GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. CH says:

    for all you racist people…

    shut the fuck up!!!

    MEXICANS are here to stay no matter what whether you like it or not… so live with it….

    You can say “we love you but go back home” why dont you go fuckin live somewhere else!!!!

    This whole white pride shit pisses me off and i think you white people need to stop trying to cover the damn sun with your fucken thumb and open your eyes and see what is really going on…

    MEXiCANS do everything for you so appreciate it!!!

  17. CH says:

    for all you racist people…

    shut up!!!

    MEXICANS are here to stay no matter what whether you like it or not… so live with it….

    You can say “we love you but go back home” why dont you go live somewhere else!!!!

    This whole white pride shit pisses me off and i think you white people need to stop trying to cover the damn sun with your damn thumb and open your eyes and see what is really going on…

    MEXiCANS do everything for you so appreciate it!!!

  18. JB says:

    lula has a point… and for the people that say illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes so what about when they go to the grocerie store they pay taxes on the items they buy

  19. JB says:

    lula has a point… and for the people that say illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes so what about when they go to the grocerie store they pay taxes on the items they buy

  20. JB says:

    CH has a point… and for the people that say illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes so what about when they go to the grocerie store they pay taxes on the items they buy

  21. Barrett Green says:

    I see it like this our ancestors fought for the right to be free and worked for the prosperity that we have today. And we are idiots to give our jobs to those who didnt inherit that birthright, it belongs to us, a gift ,its folly to give away a gift. Isee no problem with them doing farm labor .The government heals our recessions with the interest rate and the housing market ,now with the mexicans taking these jobs this nation is headed for disaster.

  22. Barrett Green says:

    I see it like this our ancestors fought for the right to be free and worked for the prosperity that we have today. And we are idiots to give our jobs to those who didnt inherit that birthright, it belongs to us, a gift ,its folly to give away a gift. Isee no problem with them doing farm labor .The government heals our recessions with the interest rate and the housing market ,now with the mexicans taking these jobs this nation is headed for disaster.

  23. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  24. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  25. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  26. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  27. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  28. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  29. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  30. Barrett Green says:

    All the mex,s send all the money home they can to go back and live like a king on later we are fools for allowing our government to sabatage the working class americans in this way what the hell are we supposed to do republicans dont give shit it dont hurt them. Our country heals the economy with the interest rate and the housing market thanks to the mexicans sending all their money home, that dont work no more. If this doesnt change were all in for a rude awakening these humble people will become monsters!

  31. We are allowing the government to frame the immigration problem for us. We must consider that in some cases, such as here, the government is not acting in our own individual best interest.

    Thus, the term “illegal” associated with “alien” or “immigrant” is one of the government’s invention.

    What we as individuals must do is look at the problem from our own perspective. It is my understanding that this has not been done very often and has not been heralded very effectively.

    The reality is that foreign nationals are in every recognized nation worldwide, creating a nearly fully integrated polyglot. To somehow require all these people to get their “papers in order” with respect to the local laws of each country is crazy.

    There has to be a better, more accommodating, and global solution. Like a national identity card that is accepted worldwide. This different than a passport and should be a smart card with various data on it relevant to the bearer and the country he or she hails from.

    Take a look at the end-to-end treatment of the immigration problem that has been prepared by Trigon-International, Inc. This is actionable, affordable, and feasible and more aptly it addresses the problem in situ meaning that the fix goes in without having to reset the pieces on the game board.

  32. Jess says:

    How can America call its self free when we live on land we stole from the Mexicans and Native Americans? America has a holiday to celebrate Christopher Columbus…. What was he a illegal alien or terrorist? But, yet we have a holiday to honor him? Honor him for what… Killing and ruining people’s life’s? But yet, the Mexicans come here to make better life for themselves and to do the work nobody else wants to do and for cheaper… and we hate them? What’s the difference between us and them? Our skin color! America is a bunch of white racists! If America wants the Mexicans to go back then the white’s need to go back to Europe! America needs to face it times are changing… and the Mexicans are never leaving! All of guys can think what you want but you are defending a country of liars and racists!

    This is the Mexicans land! Everybody deserves a chance at life it doesn’t matter where you come from, what color your skin is, or what language you speak! We are all a race…. The human race!

    You can sit there and say all of your racists comments but you are here in America sitting on you lazy ass with all of your money… You don’t know how it feels to be hungry and watch your family sick and dying and have nobody to help you! Put yourself in their postion… You would do the same thing! They are coming to America to make a better life for themselves and their families! I know many illegal immigrants and they work harder then any American! They actually try to make a better life for themselves and their families! Where America sits there and complains! Maybe you should get off your ass and work! See in Mexico they don’t have a thing called Welfare!! So before you go sayin stuff maybe you should look and see who built your house or cleaned up your garabage? Illegal immigration will never stop!

  33. MH says:

    Well just to prove a point; I worked at a store that was prominently shopped by white customers they were the primary shoppers. Of course mexicans would come in this is southern california after all but they would at best spend 20 dollars, and most would not budge to buy their child a candy, “no mijo put it back.” Then our store goes out of business and when sales reach 80% off guess what the store fills with fucking mexicans buying as much as they can. It wouldnt be like that in the first place if they were’nt so cheap. Mexicans will clean my toilet for 10 cents on the dollar because they are use to living in a third world country, America is not a third world country but our standards are being reduced just because illegal immigrants are happy living at or below the poverty level.

  34. illegal defender says:

    You people here want to deny the American Dream to others. Isn’t that what makes America great? The fact anyone can make it big, no matter where there from? The values that made America great are dying. And, to MH, since when is frugality a vice? Overspending is what got us into this economic mess in the first place.

  35. Moral Compass says:

    With over 4.3 Billion US Dollars being spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants in FL alone, I am ashamed of this country of mine that I live in and work in and pay taxes in. I have a job that does not allot me healthcare but I also can not afford to buy my own healthcare, but now I have to live in fear because Mexicqans are crossing our border illegally and bringing disease that is killing Americans at alarming rates. American children are dying because these people flood our country and bring back in diseases like spanish influenza or swine flew, because they are not clean and live in filth. They steal from Americans and kill Americans. I have no met one that is doing work that I would not do. I have some around in my area that are working and making $1000 a week, if you are saying that I would not work for $1000 a week you are mistaken. How about all of the Americans that they have stolen their SS card and now they are using their benefits and once the American goes to claim their benefits that they worked for all of their life the US government turns them away saying that their benefits are gone. Who is going to take care of the American now?

    When will America open their eyes and admit that we are losing our moral standing.America use to stand for something, now all it stands for is giving to those that do not deserve it.

    If the Mexicans want to be here then take them from the border place a gun in their hand and ship them to Iraq to fight in this war and prove that they are worthy to be here.

    I am tired of seeing the illegals in the grocery line with WIC and Welfare and then leave the store to climb into an Escalade.

    Wake up America and take back what is yours that you worked for.

    I am never going to say that I do not have a problem with illegals in this country because I do. And I see them as cock roaches that bring filth and disease and they are lower than rat feces and they need to be dealt with and removed from our country. Go to Canada and steal from them you dirty, nasty, filthy beasts! Oh wait Canada will not let you in, they have secure borders and know how to keep trash out.

  36. northstar says:


  37. Proud Latina BITCHES! says:

    To all of the stupid bitches who talk so much shit and don’t know SHIT! Learn you’re history this country isn’t yours! You fuckers stole it! Who are the real damn criminals? AMERICANS you dumb fucks! I am not even mexican but racism just pisses me off! The only people anyone should be pissed off with should be the government. Haven’t you all realized that many immigrants are here because they want them here? They need us now! We have made America grow! Can’t you all realize that we are taking over this bitch? HA HA HA!!! Yes stupid bitches America is primarily growing because of births from the minority. Soon you will be the minority and guess what? You can’t do shit about it, except be a big ass baby and bitch! HA

  38. Proud Latina BITCHES! says:

    To all of the stupid bitches who talk so much shit and don’t know SHIT! Learn you’re history this country isn’t yours! You fuckers stole it! Who are the real damn criminals? AMERICANS you dumb fucks! I am not even mexican but racism just pisses me off! The only people anyone should be pissed off with should be the government. Haven’t you all realized that many immigrants are here because they want them here? They need us now! We have made America grow! Can’t you all realize that we are taking over this bitch? HA HA HA!!! Yes stupid bitches America is primarily growing because of births from the minority. Soon you will be the minority and guess what? You can’t do shit about it, except be a big ass baby and bitch! HA

  39. tiffany says:

    um i must say white people really do think they own everything and everyone…WELL i must say that fucking white people can go suck on i hobos dick okay you fucking cockcasions motherfuckers PLUS these isn’t your country you stupid motherfuckers the first settlers were native Americans you stupid fuuuuuuuuuuuuckz and then came the infection white people to spread disease and pain to the poor naive poeple of these lands. SO WHY DONT YOU FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE WHO FEED OFF OF OUR DIFFERENT DINAMIC INTERESTING FLAVORFUL COULTURES GO BACK TO WHERE EVER THE FUCK YOUS CAME FROM!!!!!…under a rock somewhere…i tell you! IM LATINA AND IM DAMN SURE PROUD OF IT!!! GO LATINOS!! GO PUERTORICANS!! GO MEXICANS!!! FUCK THE WHITE DEVILS

  40. benlaminbb says:

    Does the word illegal mean anything to you people? Take your brown butts home to your own county. You are not wanted here!Press 1 for english, what bullshit. There will come a day when you all will wish you had never left your own country, get out while you can!!!!

  41. Andrea says:

    Okay all this is so funny to me. I was born here as for my parents as well. My skin is brown and I defend this country! Yah thats right I defend it! I am an amercian soldier and newsflash in that aspect more than 70% of the armed forces is minorities. You know black, latino, or asian heritage. It makes me wonder what am I really defending? Then I remember yes my family comes from Mexico and proud of it, but I am an american. And no one will ever change that. With all due respect grow up!! In combat you dont care if the person next to you is white, black, brown, etc. just as long as he/she knows what the hell they are doing. Coming from a mexican background makes you see the real world. You appreciate everything just a little more than those who have always had the “birth right” of having it all. And as for laws everytime i see america’s most wanted or some other shows that deal with serial killers……..its always a white guy or a black guy. But that would be wrong to say all white people and balck people are bad. As for people saying that mexicans are on welfare!! Some are not if anything most of the welfare is being used by russians. Thats a whole different topic though. Everyone just needs to grow up and stop stereotyping races. In the long run your just wasting your time our government wants illegal aliens to be here otherwise they would have already stopped it!!!!!!!!!!

  42. pecevece says:

    America was first settled by the native americans, that is true;however, america as it is today was founded by the whites i.e. james madison, thomas jefferson, ben franklin. The native americans did receive some benefit from the interaction with the white settlers. There would eventually be linguistic unity among the tribes, not only in the current U.S., but also Mexico. Many technologies were introduced to them including firearms. The newspaper was introduced then, and did not go unused by the native americans, the cherokees used it among others. Remaining on the topic of native americans, they could have started immediate war with the whites upon landing on plymouth rock, but they chose to let them in and eventually they took over. Such a similar event could happen now with illegal immigration.

    Letting illegals into the country has costs that far outweigh the few benefits. One third of the prison population is here illegally. Quite a few have had tuberculosis as well. True, some come and do the dirty work, but perhaps some american could do that job as well. That would take a burden off our shoulders as far as programs like social security, food stamps, and federal pell grants go. Furthermore, imagine all the money that goes into English as a second language programs.

    Imagine no borders at all. Anyone who just wanted to come to america would come for whatever reason. It would probably be chaotic with the intermixing of cultures. Headscarves mix with scapulars, turbans with baseball caps. Culture wars would be the result. Assimilation is a good thing in that respect. That is when people like terrorists come in. Going back to reality, what if terrorists want to walk across the border with mexico? It is a pretty porous border and would pose a great opportunity for someone unwanted to come in such as Osama Bin Laden. Known terrorists were caught trying to cross the Canadian border, it would not be unreasonable for them to cross the Mexican border.

  43. mike v says:

    illegals arent doing jobs americans wont do that is the biggestlie.they are causing chaos here.we americans ran everytime a neighborhood became bad we ran to another city.well now there is nowhere to run.

    i live in brooklyn ny and its a asian latino 3rd world mess.a once beautiful neighborhood has become a series of street vendors and filthy animals

    GOD help us

  44. mike v says:

    illegals arent doing jobs americans wont do that is the biggestlie.they are causing chaos here.we americans ran everytime a neighborhood became bad we ran to another city.well now there is nowhere to run.

    i live in brooklyn ny and its a asian latino 3rd world mess.a once beautiful neighborhood has become a series of street vendors and filthy animals

    GOD help us

  45. mike v says:

    illegals arent doing jobs americans wont do that is the biggestlie.they are causing chaos here.we americans ran everytime a neighborhood became bad we ran to another city.well now there is nowhere to run.

    i live in brooklyn ny and its a asian latino 3rd world mess.a once beautiful neighborhood has become a series of street vendors and filthy animals

    GOD help us

  46. mike v says:

    illegals arent doing jobs americans wont do that is the biggestlie.they are causing chaos here.we americans ran everytime a neighborhood became bad we ran to another city.well now there is nowhere to run.

    i live in brooklyn ny and its a asian latino 3rd world mess.a once beautiful neighborhood has become a series of street vendors and filthy animals

    GOD help us

  47. mike v says:

    illegals arent doing jobs americans wont do that is the biggestlie.they are causing chaos here.we americans ran everytime a neighborhood became bad we ran to another city.well now there is nowhere to run.

    i live in brooklyn ny and its a asian latino 3rd world mess.a once beautiful neighborhood has become a series of street vendors and filthy animals

    GOD help us

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