NYT Economics Coverage Shrinks

The New York Times, until now, has had three economics columns. Economic Scene

was written by economists: it rotated between Tyler Cowen,

Austan Goolsbee, Robert Frank, and Hal

Varian. Economic View was written by journalists, including Daniel

Altman, Dan Gross, and Louis Uchitelle.

Finally, Times staffer David Leonhardt had his own Wednesday

column, Economix.

Today, all that changed.

Leonhardt’s column is still there, but it is now called Economic Scene. And

so the question arises: if Economix has become Economic Scene, what has happened

to the Economic Scene of old? Leonhardt answered

that at the end of his column: it has become Economic View. All the old

Scene columnists bar Varian will be squeezed into View, along with new columnists

Greg Mankiw, Alan Blinder, Judith

Chevalier, Robert Shiller, and Lester Thurow.

(Varian apparently doesn’t have the time to continue to write for newspapers,

now he’s working for Google.)

For those of you keeping count at home, that’s eight high-profile

economists sharing one slot in the Sunday newspaper.

And what’s happened to Economic View? Leonhardt doesn’t come right out and

say so, but it seems to have been killed off entirely.

Was there too much economics in the NYT, which is literally shrinking

in August and might need to make cuts? Elsewhere in the NYT there’s Paul

Krugman, of course, with his own op-ed columns, but those are rarely

particularly economics-based these days. And every so often the Levitt

‘n’ Dubner team writes a Freakonomics column in the Sunday magazine

– there have been four of those so far this year.

This is not good news for economic discourse in the mainstream press. One column

every two months is not much of a platform: it will take years for readers to

get a decent feel for where each of the columnists stands. And while the Economic

View column was not always scintillating, it was a million times better than

the half page of undigested tripe filed every week by the dreadful Ben

Stein. To kill View but to keep Stein alive betrays a sense of priorities

which can’t bode well for the NYT Business section.

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