Optimism in Bali

UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon marked the beginning of the huge climate conference

in Bali yesterday with an excellent

and upbeat op-ed in the Washington Post. "Largely lost in the debate

is the good news," he wrote: "We can do something — more easily,

and at far less cost, than most of us imagine." And he noted some encouraging

datapoints, which didn’t even include the wonderful ratification

of Kyoto by Australia’s new prime minister.

Much is made of the fact that China is poised to surpass the United States

as the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Less well known, however,

are its more recent efforts to confront grave environmental problems. China

is on track to invest $10 billion in renewable energy this year, second only

to Germany. It has become a world leader in solar and wind power. At a recent

summit of East Asian leaders, Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to reduce energy

consumption (per unit of gross domestic product) by 20 percent over five years

— not far removed, in spirit, from Europe’s commitment to a 20 percent reduction

in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020…

Growth need not suffer and, in fact, may accelerate. Research by the University

of California at Berkeley indicates that the United States could create 300,000

jobs if 20 percent of electricity needs were met by renewables.

Of course, the big you-go-first-no-you-go-first between China and

the US is ongoing,

and unhelpful. But Peter

Dorman makes the good point that the multilateral actions being negotiated

in Bali neither can nor should preclude sensible unilateral actions. If one

thing is achieved in Bali, he says, it should be a framework which allows countries

to slap carbon tariffs on imported fossil fuels.

I’m hopeful that from Bali will emerge something better and stronger than Kyoto.

But even if that doesn’t happen, global popular opinion, which was largely apathetic

during Kyoto in most countries outside western Europe, is now if anything one

step ahead of where the negotiators stand in Bali. And that’s got to be an encouraging


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