NYT Revisits Goldman’s Mortgage Underwriting, Sensibly

If I was an editor at the New York Times, the first thing I’d do after Chris

Dodd started waving a Ben Stein column around would be to wonder if there

was anything in it at all which could be substantiated. Most of Stein’s

column is muddled

beyond repair, of course. But there is a germ of truth buried within the

craziness, as Justin

Fox notes. Goldman Sachs was underwriting crappy mortgage-backed bonds,

and in hindsight it can’t be very proud of the issues that it underwrote –

especially considering that Goldman itself was short mortgages for nearly all

of 2007. And there is a sober-minded and unassailable article to be written

simply laying out those facts, without launching into ill-informed calls for

the Treasury secretary to be investigated.

Today, Jenny Anderson and Vikas Bajaj provide exactly

that article.

They show that Goldman’s mortgage business was not particularly egregious,

by Wall Street standards – but they also show that Wall Street standards,

in this particular case, are pretty dreadful. Goldman underwrote about $29 billion

of mortgage bonds in 2006, which placed it somewhere between Credit Suisse and

Merrill Lynch in the league tables, and of those bonds about

20% of the loans underlying those bonds are now in default, which seems to be

roughly average – the range goes from 16% to 24%.

Anderson and Bajaj do more than that: they go on, in the words of Dean

Baker, to "lay out some of the nuts and bolts of the subprime splurge

that led to the subprime bust". They explain what the bankers were doing,

and how much they got paid for doing it:

The average total compensation for managing directors in the mortgage divisions

of investment banks was $2.52 million in 2006, compared with $1.75 million

for managing directors in other areas, according to Johnson Associates, a

compensation consulting firm. This year, mortgage officials will probably

earn $1.01 million, while other managing directors are expected to earn $1.75


This is good reporting. There are more than enough facts here to digust the

anti-Goldman types, and, more importantly, there’s none of the risible conspiracy

theories of which Stein seems so fond. If there’s anything in this article which

warrants Paulson’s investigation, then have at him. But really, of course, there


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