How Banks Calculate Their Write-Downs

The WSJ has a fabulous "Heard on the Street" column

today, worrying about all these losses being announced by big universal banks:

Citi, UBS, Deutsche. Are they worried that the losses are so big they will damage

the banks’ franchise? No: the worry is rather that the banks might be overstating

their losses:

While there is no evidence to suggest the banks are doing anything wrong,

numerous academic studies show that discretionary valuations related to possible

losses, which are often based on estimates, are an area of financial statements

that has in the past been manipulated by executives to manage earnings.

Doubtless there is some of this going on: if you’re going to write off, say,

$2.5 billion, you might as well make it a round $3 billion (that seems to be

the standard write-off these days), thereby giving yourself a bit of cushion

against further losses and possibly a nice bit of extra upside with which to

pad future profits.

On the other hand, all of these numbers are by their very nature inexact at

best, and I’m sure that most shareholders would prefer, in the present environment,

that these banks err on the side of caution.

Of course, the banks have to maintain the fiction that all these numbers are

entirely objective and accurate to umpteen decimal places:

Deutsche Bank said it "continues to apply accounting and valuation principles

consistently with prior periods." A UBS spokesman said the bank’s markdowns

"are appropriate and follow established accounting principles and industry

standards." A Citigroup spokesman said the bank "has taken impairments

in the third quarter based on a rigorous process applying appropriate accounting


I somehow doubt that anybody outside these banks considers the quality

of their earnings reports to be particularly consistent or rigorous, so I’m

not entirely sure who the banks think they’re kidding. What would happen if

a bank decided to be honest, and simply said something like this?

"We have a lot of very hard-to-value securities on our books, we know

they’ve fallen in value, but we can’t say how far with any exactitude, so

we’re going to take a large $3 billion write-down which should be more than

enough to cover any losses associated with the debt portfolio."

I have a suspicion that the sun would still rise the following morning. Although

you can never be sure.

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