The Downside of Homeownership, Part 2

A short response to Matt

Cooper, on the subject of homeownership, since I’ve basically said

my piece at this point.

  1. Matt says that "the social advantages to home ownership seem well documented".

    I say that a society with high levels of homeownership will be a divided and

    unequal society. Yes, areas where people own their homes will be more stable

    and prosperous. But the flipside of that is that the areas where people don’t

    own their homes will be pretty gruesome. Homeownership, on this view, is essentially

    an inequality perpetuation device.

  2. Matt has "found it hard to come up with a scenario where, over a lifetime,

    you’d be better off never having owned a home". Er, bankruptcy and foreclosure?

  3. Matt says that house-price appreciation "over a lifetime, seems inevitable

    even if there are long periods of stagnant or falling home prices". Tell

    that to people in Detroit or Flint or Baltimore, the value of whose homes

    have gone nowhere even during the biggest housing bubble in the history of

    the USA. Now think of the prospects for people who bought during the subprime

    boom, right at the top of the bubble. They’re not pretty.

Matt might be right that buying a home is often a good idea if the chances

of losing that house to foreclosure are zero, and if you intend to live

in that house for the rest of your life. But those conditions are actually pretty


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