Pimco’s Endowments

Jenny Anderson moves

the El-Erian story forwards today, talking to a number of former endowment

chiefs about how tough the job is, and finding one startling statistic:

Nationally, more than 40 percent of the top investment executives within

universities and endowments left in 2005 and 2006, according to a 2007 compensation

survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting (now Mercer) that excluded Harvard

and Yale.

Now 2005 and 2006 were admittedly exceptional years, the height of the hedge-fund

bubble, when anybody with experience in the alternative-investments space became

incredibly valuable. So I’m sure the 40% number will fall in the near future.

But Anderson also notes that a lot of endowment managers are now setting up

companies which seek to pool and manage endowments specifically. Given that

El-Erian knows

all about endowments at this point, and that he is helping to move Pimco

into the alternative-investments space, it stands to reason that he’ll be going

after the smaller-endowment market himself.

Eventually, he could end up running just as much endowment money at Pimco as

he was at Harvard.

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