Credit Market Datapoint of the Day

Serena Ng says that Bear Stearns paid

"a heavy price" when it issued $2.25 billion of five-year bonds

at 245bp over Treasuries on Monday. She doesn’t actually do the math, so I’ll

do it for you: the typical single-A corporate bond yields 125bp over, so let’s

say that Bear Stearns was forced to pay a premium of 120bp. On $2.25 billion

of bonds, that works out to $27 million per year, or an extra $135 million in

total. Which, weirdly enough, is more or less the same amount of money that

Jimmy Cayne was planning on paying Warren Spector

over that time.

More interesting to me is the fact that the new bonds priced 50bp wide to Bear’s

existing 2012 debt. That’s a big spread, and that’s the datapoint which really

encapsulates the severity of the present credit crunch. If the market was remotely

efficient, the two 2012 bonds would trade pretty much on top of each other.

But when a bond window shuts, it shuts, and a would-be issuer is forced to pay

through the nose if investors are going to be enticed to spend their money in

the primary rather than the secondary market. Which I’m sure made for some difficult

conversations between Bear’s syndicate desk and its buy-side clients.

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