Why Can’t Small Companies Go Public These Days?

There’s been no shortage of Important Discussion recently on the subject of

what a panel

this afternoon grandly called America’s Global Competitiveness. Up on

stage were Hal Scott, of the Committee

on Capital Markets Regulation, and Arthur Culvahouse, of

the even more grandly-named Commission

on the Regulation of US Capital Markets in the 21st Century. Naturally,

they talked of McKinsey’s Bloomberg-Schumer

report (pdf) as well. What made the panel more interesting than most was

the presence of Michael Oxley himself, architect of the loathed

Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But the star of the show was actually the Carlyle Group’s

Robert Grady, who seemed to mainly be wearing his hat as chairman

of the National Venture Capital Association.

Grady was reasonably polite about Sarbox: It’s not the act in general that

he doesn’t like, just its section 404. What he and the panel were much less

happy about was the rise in what you might call lawyer-related expenses. Venture

capitalists used to be able to exit into the stock market even when the companies

concerned had tiny market caps: when Intel went public the entire company was

worth just $53 million, and when Cisco went public it was worth only about $250

million. "None of those three deals would be doable today, bc there’s too

much friction in the small-cap offering process," said Grady.

It turns out that the quantity of IPOs these days isn’t just low in relation

to the boom years of the late 90s. It’s also low in relation to the bust years

of the early 90s. Nowadays, the overwhelming majority of venture-capital exits

are in the cost-heavy M&A market, which says a lot about the cost of exiting

into the public stock market.

In any case, says Grady, if you’re a small-cap stock listed on the Nasdaq market,

you might as well be a private company for all the public coverage you get.

Fully 60% of the companies listed on Nasdaq have either zero or one analyst

covering them, which means that those stocks simply don’t have most of the advantages

of being public.

Grady has many non-Sarbox targets he blames for this state of affairs: stock-market

decimalization removed Nasdaq broker-dealers’ profits and therefore their incentive

to provide stock coverage; Eliot Spitzer‘s research settlement

also took analysts out of the sell-side and into the world of hedge funds.

I’m not sure that it’s a lack of research coverage that is preventing small

companies from going public. Maybe much of the reason is simply that they’re

worth more if sold privately. But there’s no doubt that regulatory and compliance

costs would make any company think twice about a US listing.

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