Putting that NYT payrolls chart in perspective

Remember that NYT chart from earlier today? Well, one of my favorite chart-makers, Wcw, or West-Coast Whiner, has helpfully converted it into a line chart, which does kinda put it in perspective. Here’s Wcw’s chart, with the NYT chart underneath:


As you can see, there is a case to be made that payrolls are falling slowing down on a year-on-year basis, even though they’re rising accelerating on a month-on-month basis. But in the grand scheme of things they’re actually pretty steady, compared to the wild swings we’ve seen in the past.

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2 Responses to Putting that NYT payrolls chart in perspective

  1. Bernard Guerrero says:

    Eh? “there is a case to be made that payrolls are falling on a year-on-year basis” Rate of growth slowing, you mean?

  2. Felix says:

    Quite right. Sorry. Fixed.

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