Nota bene: Rupert ❤️ Disney

Murdoch cares about two things: His status as a powerful media mogul, and seeing 21st Century Fox flourish in, well, the 21st Century.

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One Response to Nota bene: Rupert ❤️ Disney

  1. Prakash RP says:

    If you’d pardon my posting this unsolicited message here, I’d like you to take cognisance of the fact that I’m looking for a journalist willing to help crack a riddle, i.e. the deafening silence, as I view it, of economists, Nobelists of them included, on the significance of the thesis that money canNOT measure the worth of a commodity, i.e. something as innocent as the glow of the rising sun and as powerless as a breastfeeding baby is. If it interests you, let me know, please.

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