Bush and the Dollar

It’s not often that Greg Mankiw and Dean Baker

both attack the same New York Times editorial – and on the same grounds,

no less – but today is one of those days. The Times says

this morning that the Fed has its hands tied when it comes to cutting interest

rates, because cutting rates would weaken the dollar further, exacerbating the

Bush Administration’s weak-dollar policy. Rather than choosing a weak dollar,

it concludes, the Bush Administration should have opted to raise the US savings


But a higher savings rate causes a weaker dollar, says

Mankiw. And a weaker dollar is an excellent way of boosting the savings

rate, says

Baker. Basically, the NYT has no idea what it’s talking about.

Which is all enjoyable enough – except for the fact that no one seems

to take issue with the very idea that exchange rates are something the White

House can realistically hope to control.

The NYT complains that "the administration has gone for a quicker fix

— letting the dollar slide". Baker, on, the other hand, criticises

the strong-dollar policy of Clinton and Rubin, which he says was responsible

for unsustainably large trade deficits.

But the fact is that Bush hasn’t somehow successfully executed on a cunning

plan to weaken the dollar, any more than Rubin, through endless repetition of

the mantra that "a strong dollar is in the national interest", made

his own prediction come true. Fiscal policy has much less influence over the

dollar than monetary policy does, and monetary policy is set by the Fed, not

the White House. Ultimately, however, it’s the markets, and the flow of international

capital, which determine exchange rates.

A weak dollar is neither a bad idea nor a good idea: it’s just a fact of life,

imposed on the US by the international currency markets. Policymakers don’t

cause it; rather, they just have to respond to it.

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